Friday, May 2, 2008

wikimania & hashish

people in egypt now are divided into groups or segments
about 1000000 different groups
no matter what is th e standard we use to segment people, we 'll find ouselves with huge number of groups with HUGE differences between people
socially, economically, ...... etc
but the face is all the groups can deal with each other effectively till some point

today in one car for 10 minutes, 2 different groups of people were together
and it was COOOOOL

the story is 2 of my friends and i took a taxi, where a passenger was already there
the conversation between my bibliotheca alexandrina employee friend and i was about:
" how to register or to get tickets for the wikimania event that will take place in the library in july"

when the passenger and the driver were talking about :
they were exchanging experiences about how they feel when they are high, where to get it, and stuff

i didn't heared them or paid any attention to them because i was talking in a matter that is very important to me but our third friend did hear them and she in a point said "let us get off this taxi"
after we were off, i said what's wrong and she explained
it's become normal to talk about drug now and the sales points are in the open
people are telling each other about it as they were talking about carrefour
(elshare3 elfolani, 3ala eidek elyemin, 7atla2i wa7ed 2a3d me3ah hashish)


Anonymous said...

keda bardo matsma3ihomsh ya benti...da 7adees yetsab bardo
noisy angel

karakib said...

عايزة سواق التاكسي يتكلم عن ايه
واحة الغروب و تغريدة البجعة !؟ علي فكرة طبيعي جدا
بس اللي انت مش واخدة بالك منه انه جوا المجتمعات المثقفة او اللي بتقرا و حتي تكتب في عدد كبير من المتعاطين برضه
و يسمي في الادب
بالدخان المعطر ... يعني مش بس المجتمعات دي اللي بتشربه
الشرقيين عموما بيحبوا الدخان كمزاج و الغربيين الخمور
انا لا بحب ده و لا ده و مش بدافع عن حد
بس بحاول انقل الواقع كما هو