Thursday, November 8, 2007


Averge computer user is always afraid of changing the SW he used to work with to a new one, this may take him a while till he gets to know it better and master it
basically new versions of any SW are always for geek high tech users only which are not that many
and obvious example for it is Office
i know peolpe still having problems using version 2003 and think it's no use to upgrade to 2003 when 2000 is OK
now there's a WHOLE new version 2007, consists on the web 2.0 (let us say Spirit .. )
color themes, tabs instead of menus, shadows effects, etc..
but averge users who try it, aren't satisfied because it's not the same interface as the old versions (once a friend told me: i can't find anything .. i'm totally lost in this version)

BUT how genius Bill Gates solved this problem
check this picture

he gave a demo for the new word in the normal MSN page
SO, who didn't try it will for free
and understand the technique of the tabs before paying anything (tab3an e7na mush bendfa3 7aga aslan, fa mush far3a me3ana, law ma3gabnash 7aga nemsa7a we nenazel noss7'a tanya we 7'alas)
raising my hat up for it