Sunday, January 28, 2007

Sorry: U.S. Only

U.S. Only
We're sorry. We have detected that you are outside of the United States. This service is currently only available to residents within the United States. For music and entertainment services available in your country please
click here.

this is the message i got when i tried to open a radio channel online (classic music -rhapsody)

suddenly i felt that i'm cursed and kicked out of heaven I'M NOT IN USA

what is the matter with those people, they can just not showing this pages for machines with IP outside USA, why they show me something i can't have

and it's not goods to buy, IT'S MUSIC

so are people outside USA don't deserve to hear music?

1 comment:

bo2bo2 said...

actually they only play this expensive service for everyone in the US cuz this is the most paying community

we're considered high risk market high fraud percentage using credit cards, why would they serv us?