you don't like my jokes?
PLEASE watch the movie first: it's only 30seconds
Was it funny? NOOO
but it's funny for some (the intel people)
how many times, you said something thought it's funny and no one laughed, because they didn't get it OR they didn't think it's funny?
well, it happens a lot to me
It's so mysterious how the human mind works, although we all see same objects, everyone of us interpreted it differently, sometimes to the extremes.
yet we all humans, but we never all agree on one thing, no matter how beautiful it's: flower, sun, babies laughs, the drop of a water on very gentle green leave .....
for someone somewhere there's a reason to hate this stuff: can you blame an Asthma patient for hating flowers or pets? (for example)
we have to admit we are different, that every person is a unique biological system :)
but then what?
how we should deal with our differences?
i see only 2 ways:
First: to accept the individual differences and see it as a enrichment to the group, use it, to expand the group benefits
Second: to set a majority rule and eliminate all the other different rules
which is very much what is happening to the society NOW
I'm deeply sad to see the society turns to a MONOvoice
that's bad
we don't all laughs for the same jokes, like same music, read the same articles, believe in the same believes, WE ARE different.
if i'm a geek don't laugh at me because you are not, if i'm a christian don't ask me to wear what you wear because that what you think is right, if i'm a girl don't just assume that i can't think or drive just because you have different hormones, .....
and the list can go on for pages
Conclusion: if you don't like my jokes, it's not because it's bad, it's simply different.
I like it a lot :)
Gamed awyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.
You are absolutely right!! I totally agree :)We are different, but that does not mean that someone is right and the other isn't!! I like it awiiii :DD
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