Saturday, March 24, 2007

video to money

they said life is full of opportunities
but no one mention as one of these opportunities
the author of this video earned 1908$ from MetaCafe because he got 380,750 views
Ironic: the video is about how to fold a paper into an airplane
so i guess we all have chance here to make millions, in our schools during the class students make paper plane with the school books :)

How To Build The Manta Paper Plane - For more funny movies, click here

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

عيد الأم حاله يغم


thank you god for all your blessings

"عيد الأم حاله يغم"
i always say this and all my friends understand and smile
but this year: so much presure
@ work
my sister mother in law
and others
every mother's day, we manage to spend it in positive activities
and i have to admit that our true friends help us a lot in this day (and in couple others :) lol)
i hate when all the media is turned to school chorus "ya 7enyna we kolek teyba ..... ",
i remember "elset di Omy" show: it was a show full of sadism feelings; the star is telling stories about his mother and start to cry and so on
Sick !!!
last night, among my friends we laughed about the occassion and our friends (true blessings i thank god for) helped us turning the subject to a funny story

Sometime when someone loses a dear one he/she refuses to talk about it with others, that's simply because the stupid approach of others towards him/her
i learned this fact when some friend's father died and her youngest sister refused even to eat, and i was the only one who could grap her out of that dark cave she was in
what i did was simply not to preach but chat the normal orinary day to day conversation, and then say the right supportive words
people tend to preach
today i had a conversation with one of my super high intelligent friend, i remembered the little girl i knew while talking with this friend
why people think that when someone loses a dear one he/she become mentaly retarted and need to be preached about life facts again and again

Sunday, March 18, 2007


Yesterday, in Alex Opera House
Cairo Orchestra was playing some classical Carl Nelson and Tchaikovsky pieces
I was overwelmed by the music magic
peace, pure, clarity .. those kind of feelings
people who think orchestra music is boring they never taste this peacfull overwelming feelings
during listening, i travel through all the band with my eyes :)
for me, i always have one question in mind: how these 30 violins artists are playing with harmony?
the 30 hands are moving together as robots .. up and down
this is miracle, i believe
while childhood, we used to play a walking game: 1 kilometre a pieds .. 2 kilometre a pieds
and we have to move our legs together, we never get it right for more then 5 minutes
it's totally different taste and mode then elLila elKabeera of course
and i was happy to see families with teenager children among the audience

this kind of art that influence your humanity is what we need

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Auto Parking

when this technology will be available here? :)

Auto Parking - Funny blooper videos are here

Puppet Show "ElLila ElKabera"

We all memorise the songs of the show "ElLila ElKabera"
so when i found out by accident of course that this show is in alex, i had to see it
no media, no publicity, it's just a sign on the Lycee Theatre wall "ElLila ElKabera"
I found out that's better watch puppet show on the TV then on theatre
on TV, the camera is focusing and enlarging the view which is 100 % better then see it on theatre
you can't see every move from every stick of the puppet body
+ (which is awfully bad) on TV you'll not see the artists (who move the puppet) hands and legs, on THeatre it's visible all the time

anyway, the show itself didn't last more then 30 minutes
we were the only adult group with no children who went just to see the puppets, the rest of the theatre are parents with children
the level of the theatre was equal to the chairs level and that kept the children from seeing anything
SO, they just go forward to the stage itself and stood
and more, they reach their hands to touch the puppets DURING THE SHOW
so basiclly, the event turned to be a KG class
all the adults in the theatre they sang with the puppets, and it was cooool
i don't think, they can sing (belady belady) with same spirit, in fact i don't think they even know the words of it
Ironic !! right? we (egyptian) don't memorize the (belady belady) but we all sure memorize "ElLila ElKabera"
I spent good time, after i decide to not focus on the children who grap the puppets during the show or the *7aga sa23a bebs* guy :)
P.S: the camera battery was off and i had to take picture with my moblie and this isn't good at all

قبة سيدنا الوالي دي نوروها
محلا البيارق و الناس بيزوروها
قبة سيدنا الوالي في الجو عالية
محلا البيارق لما نوروها
حمص حمص دا اللي ماينقص
عمار يرقص يرقص و يقول
اللي شاف حمص و الا كلشي
حب و اتلوع و لا طالشي
بسترك هات حبة بقرش
حمص حمص حمص
إسعى إسعى إسعى إسعى
خدلك صورة ستة في تسعة
إسعى إسعى إسعى إسعى
ياسي عجورة النار خسعة
الله الله الله الله
عجمية باللوز طعمية أراجوز
اليلة الكبيرة يا عمي و العالم كتيرة
ماليين الشوادر يابا في الريف و البنادر
دول فلاحين و دول صعايدة
دول من القنال و دول رشايدة
يا حضرة الأراجوز قولي
نعم يا عمدة عاوز إيه
منين يروحوا لمتولي
إمدح نبينا و صلي عليه
اللهم صلي عليه
تمشي كدة على طول على طول
لحد ما تلاقي عمارة
تكسر يمين تلقى بتاع فول
دكانته على ناصية حارة
تدخل يمينك و شمالك
شارعين و في التالت تكسر
شارعين و في التالت أكسر
على اليمين واخد بالك
و تمشي على طول تتمخطر
و أمشي على طول و أتمختر
تفضل كدة تمشي و تلف
و تخش من مطرح ما طلعت
و أخش من مطرح ما طلعت
و لما تلقى مقلة لب
تعرف بإنك توهت و ضعت
دي وصفة سهلة قوي قوي
دي وصفة هايلة قوي قوي
مع السلامة يابو عمة مايلة
فتح عينك تاكل ملبن
فينك فينك تاكل ملبن
إوعى لجيبك لا العيب عيبك
قرب جرب نشن وسطن إيدك و سطن
يحميك يا بني تبقى غالبني
قرب خدلك حتة ملبن
فريرة للعيل يابو العيال ميل
خدلك سبع فرافير
زمارة شخليلة عصفورة يا حليلة
طراطير يا واد طراطير
طراطير طراطير طراطير
الليلة الليلة السيرك تعالوا
دي فرجة تساوي جنيه قولوا هيه
بمناسبة هذا المولد يا ولاد
برنامج سواريه قولوا هيه
في السيرك شجيع يهجم عالسبع
و يركب دوغري عليه قولوا هيه
و بنات قمرات زي الشربات
حلوين مش عارف ليه قولوا هيه
و كمان بلياتشو تعالوا إسمعوا ناتشه
و شوفوا هيعمل إيه قولوا هيه
هيـــه هيـــه هيـــه
أنا شجيع السيما أبو شنب بريمة
أول ما أقول عليهوب و أصرخلي صرخة
السبع يتكهرب و يبقى فرخة
حالاً بالاً سأصارع أسد إنما إيه متوحش
و هخلي وجهه شوارع تسقيفة يا ناس ميصحش
أهو جه أهو جه تسقيفة بقا
تسقيفة أمال تشجيعة أمال
تعالالي الالي اللالي يا حبيبي تعالالي
السمك مقلي كل و برقلي صنف زي الفل
استخار و إختار فشة أو ممبار
يالا سمي و كل
يام المطاهر رش الملح سبع مرات
بمقامه الطاهر خشي و قيدي سبع شمعات
يا عريس يا صغير
علقة تفوت و لا حد يموت
لابس و مغير و هتشرب مرقة كتكوت
بالزمة دة سابع عيل مزفوف من وقت قليل
مولد شالله يا معلم عقبال أولادك كلم
واحد مظبوط و إتنين مصري
عمك حاضر جايلك دوغري
مسا التماسي مسا التماسي
ياورد قاعد على الكراسي
هات شاي يا دقدق عيني و راسي
سمعنا يا ريس حنتيرة
للصبح معاك السهيرة
سمعنا سمعنا
يا غزال يا غزال العشق حلال
دوبتني دوب خلتني خيال
يا شفتك فص فراولة و أنا لا قوة و لا حول
دوختلي قلبي على اولة
أه يا غزال العشق حلال
يارب يا عالم بالحال
تهدي حبيبي و يصبح عال
و أغني و أرجع بالموال و أقول يا غزال
وقف ياريس حنتيرة في ناس هنا قاعدة كتيرة
ولا حد قال هات تعميرة و لا واحد شاي
أه اللي هيطلب راح يقعد
و اللي ما يطلبش يبعد
يالابنا نخرج يا مسعد شالاع التورماي
ورينا القوة يا بني إنت وهو
مين عنده مروى و عاملي فتوة
يقدر بقدارة على زق التارة و يفرقع بمبة
وسع أنا أزق التارة و أضرب ميت بمبة
دانا الاسطى عمارة من درب شكمبة
سيطي من القلعة لسويقة اللالة أنا واخد السمعة
طب يالا تعالى لاياعم سعيدة هأأو دي البدلة جديدة
هأأأه سعيدة يابو بدلة جديدة
إوعد يارب إوعد أدي كمان قهوة
يالابنا يا مسعد ندخل على سهوة
طار في الهوا شاشي و إنت متدراشي
طارفه شاورلي شاورلي عليك
حكم الهوى ماشي
هوا العصاري على سطح جاري
خدني و رماني عليك و لا إنت داري
أهين يا ناري منك يا جاري
خدني ورماني رماني عليك هوا العصاري
طار في الهوا شاشي و إنت متدراشي
طارفه شاورلي شاورلي عليك
ماشي ماشي ماشي كلامك
اللي هيطلب راح يقعد و اللي مايطلبش يبعد
يالابنا نخرج يا مسعد شارع التورماي
ناس من بلدنا هناك أهم
روح يا إبراهيم إندهلهم
سلامات عالبلديات
ليلتكوا أنس و جلجلة إنشد و لعلع يا ولا
شفت في منام صاحب المقام دة أوبهة
و يمامة حايمة عليه بتسبح ربها
ميلت فوق يده وجيت أحبـــــها
صحوني من النوم خدت بعضي
وتني جاي و بعودة حـــي
ياولاد الحلال بنت تايهة طول كدة
رجلها الشمال فيها خلال زي دة
زحمة يا ولداه كام عيل تاه؟؟
اليلة الكبيرة يا عمي و العالم كتيرة
ماليين الشوادر يابا في الريف و البنادر

Thursday, March 15, 2007


Last night on mbc i think, i watched a movie

i don't think there's a worse
it was this kind of movies that imitates scenes made in great movies
scene from "silence of the lambs" other "i know what you did last summer"
and so on
i find this kind of movies as a "doctor description to get sick and vomit"
i remember the original "silence of the lambs" and how it had a bad effect on me for longtime
first thing i get after watching it was: what a sick writer to think of such a story; mad man kills girls to use their skins to make a body suit for himself
antony hopkins did the part of his life, i was afraid just to listen to the way he talks
all the movie elements were brilliant in (let us say) the negative creation: create a scary feeling upon the viewers
the film poster was the only thing i see in this film as a positive creation: it has nothing but a face and a butterfly
but yet it said everything in the movie, and i wasn't amazedd to know it's considered one of the 25 best posters


That's how we relax (third world)

and that's how THEY relax (first world)


this is unfair of course

i get this email about relaxing with sea pictures and stuff

why we keep sending each other this $#%#@^$%&$ if we all know that none of us can afford it

if anyone in egypt (middle class of course) save all his income for 5 years he can't afford to be sitting on this table for 5 minutes

but still the idea of being IN the sea for lunch, is cooooooooooool

surronded by the sea and the sky

i wonder who is sitting on this table other then Bill Gates

gatena nila fi 7azena elhebab

Monday, March 12, 2007

Thank you God

Thank you God
for my sister: who spent days nursing me
for my family: who were around my bed
for my friends: who surrounded me with care, love and attention
for my money: which i can use to buy medecine
for my blog: where i can say thank you god

Friday, March 9, 2007

Mother Teresa

I know God will not give me anything I can't handle. I just wish that He didn't trust me so much.
Mother Teresa

Monday, March 5, 2007

Awesome drawing

you have to be very attention to notice the brush movments
but it's give anyone a good idea about the cartoons character making

Sunday, March 4, 2007

100 years of solitude

Just finish reading this book last night

It's about a family story along 100 years, they all have one thing in common: they died suffering from solitude or at least they spend parts of their lives in solitude.

The author (Gabriel García Márquez) won a Nobel prize, so it was so tempting to read this story.

BuT, i can summary this story in one word "Surprise"

In the first 4 chapters, i was surprised in every new page by the new characters they step in the story: About 30 characters.
while reading the story, i had to go back some pages to recall the entrance of this character or that lots of time.
Another surprise: the relations
unreasonable, un acceptable relations between the family members

After closing the book i had a big question in my head: what's this mean?? what kind of solitude do we suffer from?
I think this novel needs some time after reading to think more about it

Egypt Traffic

تحويل القاهرة ـ الإسكندرية الصحراوي إلي طريق حر

تطرح وزارة النقل‏‏ قريبا‏‏ مشروعا مهما لتحويل طريق‏ القاهرة ـ الإسكندرية‏‏ الصحراوي إلي طريق حر‏,‏ من خلال عزله بالكامل من الجانبين‏,‏ وإلغاء الدورانات السطحية للخلف‏,‏ وإنشاء كباري علوية‏,‏ أو أنفاق سفلية بديلة‏,‏ بالإضافة إلي تأمين الطريق بتعبيده بطبقة أسفلتية ضد الأحمال الزائدة‏,‏ تصل صلاحيتها إلي‏10‏ سنوات‏,‏ وتزويده بالعلامات الإرشادية‏.‏


Saturday, March 3, 2007

Friday, March 2, 2007

اخيرا زست

Finally my home dsl is up again

Thursday, March 1, 2007

Music @ work

i'm the music background type of people
i found out this channel
"music to quiet your world"

Basiclly silence makes me sleep so i have to have a music background to keep up and running
and this channel doesn't treat you bad because u'r from egypt