Thursday, March 15, 2007


That's how we relax (third world)

and that's how THEY relax (first world)


this is unfair of course

i get this email about relaxing with sea pictures and stuff

why we keep sending each other this $#%#@^$%&$ if we all know that none of us can afford it

if anyone in egypt (middle class of course) save all his income for 5 years he can't afford to be sitting on this table for 5 minutes

but still the idea of being IN the sea for lunch, is cooooooooooool

surronded by the sea and the sky

i wonder who is sitting on this table other then Bill Gates

gatena nila fi 7azena elhebab

1 comment:

bo2bo2 said...

we do have booking online for these places (not the back of cars)