Saturday, June 9, 2007

Belly Dance Ballet

i did never think this is possible
going to the opera to watch a belly dance ballet
ok this happened to me last night

"One Thousand and One Nights" Ballet was a stereo type about the east
belly dance, morgana, kahraman, sh-hrayar, sh-hrazad, alibaba, alaa-eldin
all this stories were performed as belly dance scenes one after another

it's sick to conclude all the east culture in belly dancing
PLUS: it's the first time in my life i feel disgasting watching ballet
- the dancing groups were egyptians not russians and this make lot of differences
they weren't moving together AT ALL
- one dancer dropped a piece of cloth on the stage and continued dancing without it
- another dancer dropped a sword from his hand while dancing tooo
- the dancers were annoymous, it's common to see 1 star at least in alex shows (i saw Nadine in (elleyla elkabeera), Sherif hany(in zorba), didn't see ahmed yehia)
but i guess this time they considered alex as the village branch of the opera no stars allowed

i remember in zorba i almost cry when marina (female character) was doing her grief dance
in lorciana i felt highhhhhhhh
i will not ever risk watch another ballet based on eastern story

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