Ra'fat ELHagan
I'm not a TV person
I don't watch TV because honestly i don't have the time
so every couple of days i may over dinner watch a 10 minutes from a series or a talk show and as soon as i finish my dinner i leave the room because what i watch is getting on my nerves EVERYTIME
last night holding my remote control and i played this nervvous game of switching the channels quickly ... I stopped when i heared the music of Ra'fat ElHagan
OOH it's Ra'fat ElHagan i screamed
my 10 years younger cousin was there beside me and she looked at me waiting for an explanation for this joy feeling i have .. for her it's some old series
me: it's Ra'fat ElHagan !!
cousin: yeah .. so?
me: Ra'fat ElHagan !! don't you know him? didn't u watch it before?
cousin: no
me: WHAT !!!! (almost screaming .. shouting ..)
cousin: ok ok some time i watch couple of minutes and i switch the channel .. i don't understand
why it's cool or worth watching .. you act like my mom, she 's too get excited when i's on.
.... (you act like my mom) hitted me by a rock so i tried to explain to her why i'm excited
me: ok, i'll tell you why, well in the old days (again i'm hitted by a rock but this time i hit my self) when it was only channel 1 & 2 eltelevision elmasry elra2ed, @ 7.30pm daily channel 1 had an arabic series and @ 9.30 channel 2 had an english one, Ra'fat ElHagan was one of the most successful series ever and all the people were making absolute sure that they'll be home before 7.30pm to watch it, next day in schools or work people were discussing the series .. judging the character .. so on. Ra'fat ElHagan was so special because it was the first time we saw a similar story on TV (secret intelligent .. spies .. Egyptian Jwish society .. Israeli society ......
i kept talking and talking about how great artistically this series was and she kept looking at me without saying a word
when it finished and the end titre was on screen i said : oh Saleh Morsy do you know him?
cousin: who????????
me: the writer of this, he was a journalist he was the first one to open the secret files and creates shows and movies ......... and again i kept talking about him telling her about Gomaa ElShawan and other shows
my cousin gave me the same look i gave my father years ago when he was trying to make me understand why 3ashek Elro7 song by AbdelWahab is a great work of art
I found out that her entire generation doesn't know anything about Ra'fat ElHagan besides the music tone on mobiles and other shows
it's a huge gap between us
we felt good about ourselves as egyptians because of this shows, they didn't see it and they didn't know or believe it
so beside feeling OLD, i felt like I'm OLDDDDD
facebook group about Comrades 70's born