Tuesday, February 6, 2007

choices / chances

After midnight; sitting on my pc .. looking on my "to do" list
about 4 urgent tasks and other 4 less urgent
each task enough to fill a month with deep hard works
minutes of wondering: how to begin? which to choose?
isn't this life all about?
choices and making decisions !!
how many time bad decisions have been taken? how much regret filled the heart?
remembering all the lost chances and opportunities and thinking what if
NO, i never do that
i always keep moving, and never get back
but i don't think, i get all the lessons i should have learned from all the (lost chances opportunities - bad chances and decisions) that i have had taken
"Life is full of chances" isn't right all the time
"you make your own luck" is
i'll keep moving and taken decisions i might regret it later BUT i'll not stop
i'll not look back to others and say what if?
i'll hold to my dreams and i'll not let them drag me down
and the first decision i'll take now is "to go to bed, i have work tomorrow" :))

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