Monday, April 2, 2007

Pay Back

Being part of a society without doing anything to help is SICK

Some people are very touched by the movie Pay it forward and they want to apply this idea on the community like Bo2Bo2


this has been done ! or something similar i guess


pay it forward is about make 3 big favors to 3 people you don't know and ask them to return your favor by doing 3 big favors to another 3 people each and so on

there's a TV show .. Extreme Makeover Home Edition
anyone can send the show suggesting a family need a house makeover
and then the show team go to the family give the good news ask them to leave
the tv show send the family to very cooooooool place for a week
and then they take the house down and rebuilt it in 7 days
with adding lot of hot stuff in every room for every family member
the trick is
this family had already did something good to the society and the tv show is paying them back
i saw it 3 times the people won the makeover were: 2 fire fighters, woman had donate a Spinal cord thing to a stranger baby girl, man adopted 9 homeless children

those people won a week in tropical island, resort and disneyland + their house makeover
I think this is suitable idea to be applied in egypt
there are lot of people who needs help and they have already gave a lot

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i liked the idea of the movie though i haven't watched it,
and also that of the tv program but 3ala fkra it's hard to apply it here in Our dear Egypt
es2alini leh??
a2olek ana leh?? bec.. as we know en ma3ndenash 7ad bi3mel great sacrifices mn 3'eir taman kolo ta3ban..3eisha ta3ab...kol biegry 3aiez ye3eesh..sra3 ... da belnesba lel sacrifices lel nas el 3'ariba .. leave mawdoo3 tad7iat el om aw el ab aw el awlad wel e7'wat 3ala gamb...
3arfa even el a3'niaa they like to enjoy themselves bas...sibek mn kanaies wel kalam dah...
la2n in churches law 7ad hie3mel sacrifices hatb2a in secret not to be paid back for!
imagine keda law they announced 3ala fkret el prog. dah fi Egypt el manzar hieb2a 3amel ezay
i'll leave u to comment
neseit a2olek 7aga eli bi3mel sacrifices 3moman el mafrood eno mesh mestani mokabel 3awado 3ala rabna ba2a!:D
w na2saf lel etala :D